Wednesday, September 16

Hungry Like the Wolf

What I am about to tell you is 100% factual.
The name has been changed to protect the anonymity and stupidity of the party involved, however the conversation itself, is being relayed to you exactly as it happened.

Tabi: Hey, who sings this song? It sounds like the Ramones.
Me: This song? You mean "Hungry Like the Wolf" ?
Tabi: Yeah! Who sings this?
Me: Duran Duran
Tabi: Who?
Tabi: Who are they?
Me: Ugghhhh... really?

This conversation was wrong on so many levels.

Number one: she has obviously NEVER heard the Ramones. In no way, have they ever sounded like Duran Duran.

Number two: Howwwwwwwww do you not know who Duran Duran is? Seriously?!?
Her name is Rio?!?
Girls on Film?!?
The Reflex?!?
and not to mention...

Kids these days. Very disappointing. She has to be only like 22 years old, and she's so naiive to great music. Oh the humanity. My brain hurts.

Ya.. I can totally see how you'd get them confused...

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