Tuesday, September 1

lunch lady land

so I've been toying with the idea of going back to school. well it was always on the agenda in the future, but since I'm trapped in Lebanon for an unforeseen amount of time, i feel like i should be doing something else.

then while at the chiropractor, he gave me the idea of not getting my graduate degree, but going back to get a second BA. Since half the work is already done, it was definitely something to chew on.

I've been looking into the Environmental Science Degree at OSU (thanks Rickey!). it looks great, lots of very applicable stuff that could go well with my current International Business degree. Plus, I can do it ALL online, so if I move, go to the peace corps, or become a long-haul truck driver, i'm good to go!!

I think I'm going to head over to OSU sometime this week and chat with an advisor to see what they say. Especially schools love to tell you that the first time you took Econ 101 only counts for one degree, so you have to take something else, or that you took it too long a go, like priciples of economics have drastically changed over the last 10 years.

Of course, I think I'll start in the Winter, since then I can re-fill out my FAFSA form for 2010, and since I made like 5,000 this year, i'd be very eligible for some financial aid!! (not to mention the fact that i can put off paying off my current loans if I'm still in school)

For now, I've enrolled in the LBCC class of Beginning French, which is a zero credit class at the Albany Senior Center. I took french for a year in high school, so i'm sure it should be quite an easy review, and something to start on.

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