Thursday, November 19

Boo Fucking Radley

Greetz from AZ!

I'm currently here in Casa Grande Arizona visiting my bestie pal. We're having lots of funtastic times, and some ridiculous laughs. One of these in which I nearly injured myself laughing took place yesterday afternoon.

My friend does not have, what you might call, "An Awesome Car." He drives an '86 school bus yellow Fiero. WHOOO! Needless to say, he bought it cause it looked cool, not because it was in good shape. Since he's owned it he's had 2 flat tires, including one in which he didn't know he had had a blowout and drove for almost an hour on the flat. Nice work huh?

So yesterday afternoon we're cruising along and all of a sudden we heard a loud noise coming from the back and I started yelling, PULL OVER! GET OFF THE ROAD!! We stopped and got out to behold yet a third flat tire. Well the treads were starting to rip off, something that I'd never actually seen a tire do. Leave it to John to somehow make tires do magical things.
After John spent a good 5 minutes swearing, he commenced with changing the tire. What proceeded was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Lying on the ground he was trying to crank the jack up and his legs were flailing around, up and down, side to side, with random cursings coming from below the car. I just had to sit down to try to contain myself, but finally I just lost it. The situation was funny enough, but after seeing his legs convulsing from under the car while he sputtered swears I coldn't stop. I laughed OUT LOUD, and HARD for a good 10 minutes. He kept yelling at me that it wasn't that funny, but I literally couldn't stop. Then he started laughing and was again mad because he really couldn't jack up the car while giggling histerically.

So finally he got the car jacked up and the tire changed went pretty much as usual. I still would just burst into laughter ever 5 minutes or so becuase I just couldn't help myself.

He looks so manly doesn't he?!?

" Boo Fucking Radley! Does HE know how to change a tire?!!"
is what he yelled as he held up the culprit
The finished product. Finally we were back on the road again. But even afterwards we would just bust out laughing randomly, pretty much for the rest of the day. Its just one of those things that you can't believe happened, are really mad about the situation, but can't NOT find the humor in it.
I of course was no help at all. I've seen tires changed before, but never actually done it myself. And thank goodness I've never had to. Knock on wood.

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