Thursday, November 12

For Boston! For Boston!

For Boston, for Boston, we sing our proud refrain!
for Boston, for Boston, 'tis wisdom's earthly fane!
for here are all one, and our hearts are true
and the towers on the heights, reach the heavens own blue.
for Boston, for Boston, 'til the echoes ring again!

Oh man, its Thursday and I'm finally writing about last weekend. Ahhhhh well, time flies when you're unemployed...

Last weekend I went to Bend to visit some friends and watch the Dropkick Murphys(my 5th time seeing them)! One of my favoritestest bands EVERRRR! Unless you've been living under a rock, you surely know their song form The Departed, "Shipping up to Boston." But that is just one of their many many awesome songs!

But as usual the show didn't disappoint. They played over an hour and a half of great songs. I was rocking and jumping around, fists in the air, screaming at the top of my lungs. Hair was wet with sweat sticking to my face, and I never slowed down. I remember at one point thinking "I'm totally going to pass out!" Too much screaming and jumping, being out of breath... whoops! But I survived and just had an amazing time.

Afterwards we found the rest of our group outside in the 20 degree weather, which with my sweat drenched clothes did not combine well. Yesterday and today I've had a bit of a cold, but again, totally worth it. That's what NyQuil is for, right?!? And of course I had the usual 3 days of mild deafening to the world mixed with ringing in the ears. Oi! Oi! Oi!

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