Monday, December 14

ch- ch- ch- chia!

Item numero dos that I don't want for Christmas. President head chia pets. And only $18.95!!! What a bargain! Washington? Check. Lincoln? Check. Obama? Check. And of course lady liberty herself.

Oh-- and I walked by my not-so-dream present of the last supper. I got the price wrong. Its FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY FUCKING DOLLARS!


  1. My brother actually got me a chia pet a few years ago. So instead of immediately pitching it into the trash, I thought, let's see what happens if we grow it. It took us a few days to realize the think that STANK UP THE HOUSE so bad was the chia pet. rofl

  2. You better make scrunchies #3...

  3. if i get any scrunchies... so help me...


Sock it to me!