Friday, January 1

"i'm not even that drunk yet"

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Good riddance 2009!!

Seriously. Seriously folks. Seriously. I had a GREAT New Years Eve. Dick Clark would be proud (if he even knew where he was at the time).

As you can see from yesterday's post we went snowboarding. The great part was we just rolled out of bed, had our coffee and strolled up to the mountain. No rush, no fuss and hit the parking lot at 11am. It was snowing pretty hard and raining at some parts during the drive but we were optimistic. My cousin works for the forest service so she has a free pass and my friend works at the mountain and he hooked me up with a day pass as well. Free boarding is the best boarding. Well, that is until the weather stopped cooperating. Simply put, the weather was awful. Not only am I tremendously out of shape but it was almost whiteout conditions for most of the way. And to make thing even awesomer (its a word, trust me) my goggles started fogging up and getting water in between the lenses. So I could see NOTHING. Falling down, sore, wet, blind, and miserable. After 2 runs and not even 2 hours on the mountain it was time to hit the bar!!

I love mountain bars too. So many cute snowboard guys, chilling out enjoying beer. What's not to love?!? We arrived in just in time for some rocking 80's karaoke. It was blissful. Nothing like a little Motley Crue and Poison to warm your heart. After we disrobed from our dripping wet clothes (its amazing how much water your gloves soak up) we had some brews, nachos and enjoyed the "entertainment." One guy busted out some amazing Bon Jovi (one of the greatest bands of our time, next to Journey of course) was really rocking, and shouted "and i'm not even that drunk yet!" So funny. He definitely won over the crowd.

After we got home we spent the next 6 hours still in our underarmor, enjoying bloody mary's and debated going out. We flip flopped back and forth and finally at 815 decided we'd make a go for it and hit the showers. My friend Adriane was having a get together at her place, where we made our appearance. Lots of food, punch, champagne, dancing, singing and general merriment. It was a perfect way to ring in the new year (no drama, no fights, no crying, much different than my last new years)

Although I'm sore all over from the snowboarding yesterday, I think it was a great I'm not too hungover. Hope you all had a great eve and enjoy the 6 (six!!!) bowl games today. As much as it pains my soul, I am wearing a yellow shirt and will be cheering for the Oregon. GO *cough* ducks! Pictures are posted for your viewing pleasure.

Myself and Adriane rocking to some Bon Jovi.
Waaaaanted... Dead or Aliiiiive!

(yes that's a bottle of vermouth in my pants)

Adriane and her bro Damian

Adriane, Myself and cousin Cheryl.
Too much fun with the horny-blower-things.

I love making noise!! Honnnnnk! Honnnnk!

Happy New Years hats!!

Damian, pictured above, just texted me while typing this out.
"My hangover is epic. It could be a miniseries. 5 two hour episodes."


  1. Love that dude's tattoo!!!
    You would not get me up on a mountain. Ever. Or anywhere in the snow voluntarily. I do not ski, I do not snowboard, no snow tubing. I don't make snowmen, or throw snowballs. But I will drink frozen drinks. That's a concession I can make. ;)

  2. i'll relay your TAT compliment to Damian tomorrow. He's a cool cat, and will enjoy the praise! :)


Sock it to me!