Wednesday, March 31

... and all i got was this lousy rash

I was going to put up a "wordless wednesday" post, but I'm a woman of far-too-many words, so we'll file that post under FAIL for today.

Yesterday I went up to Portland (the 503) to meet a friend from New York who is in town for spring break [side note: this friend I met while living in New York, however she too is a west coaster, originally from Seattle]. We met up for some lunchy lunch at Fire On The Mountain, which has fucking AMAZING wings, not to mention Rainier beer ON TAP! (it's a west coast thing). I gorged myself silly on Buffalo Lime Cilantro wingeys. We chatting, catching up and having some brews... and then we decided to go downtown and check out some sights.

Well, the weather did not want to cooperate, so as we were wandering around in the pouring rain, we literally ran into the first bar we could find, which was the Yamhill Pub. We plopped down at the bar, and after deliberating on ordering Rainier tall boys for $1.50, we settled on some other micro brew to avoid the guaranteed gut-rot Rainier is sure to bring.

Let me say, how AMAZINGLY divey this bar was. I can't even begin to put it into words, however I did take a few pics.

Well that's common knowledge!

Helloooooooooo bathroom!

"I pooped at the Yamhill,
and all I got was this lousy rash"

"This, is my BOOMSTICK!"

This bar must have been a break spot for local bike messengers, because the bar was full of them, drinking their water and Red Bulls. One gentleman was drinking some beer at the end of the bar and (hopefully post work shift) pounding them back fairly quickly. To my chagrin, he spilled his beer and didn't say anything just sitting there watching the beer slither down the bar, which then proceeded to pour onto my pants. Neither I, nor the bartender was very happy about this. He literally just sat there and stared while I and the bartender cleaned up the mess. He was an asshole, really stoned, or both.

The highlight of the day however was when one extremely tall, lanky, dread lock headed guy strode into the bar and shouted,

"I've just been wishing ass cancer on my boss all day!"

I literally spit beer out my nose.


  1. Nice

    Good food, good friends, and good fun.

    At least no one got tasered.

  2. That is the scariest bathroom I've ever seen in my life, but this still sounds like my kind of place.

  3. I need that Bombstick picture *LOVE*

  4. The scary thing is, WE PEED IN THAT BATHROOM. Fun times, Anne. We always have fun times...


Sock it to me!