Tuesday, April 27

random shit tuesday

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welcome to random shit tuesday!
Or random tuesday thoughts... an idea borrowed from the unmom.
i know its not as fun as tuesday tunes, but i haven't had any new music revelations in the last week... so sue me.

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I. Can't. Wait. For. Summer!
Good gravy I've got the itch. And the only cream that's going to cure it is sunscreen! We just had 2 days of sunshine, and now... Back to April Showers.
Hurry up May Flowers!
I'm planning a trip to Yosemite with Mr. Man this summer.

Ever been? Any tips or suggestions?

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I really hate Rachel Ray. She's so obnoxious!
I've always thought she seemed really fake.
Then, some friends went to see her show in NyC. They said she was just as fake as I had thought. She didn't come out and chat to the audience at all, and was running around bitching at her production assistants.

LAME! No thanks.

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This weekend I'm going to dog sit for this guy:

I mean seriously... Isn't he the CUTEST?!?
His name is Utley, he's a Puggle (Pug/Beagle) He's INSANELY energetic, but I'm super excited to hang out with this little guy for the whole weekend!!

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Looking for something fun to do? I just found this site through Facebook of all places.
My local Oregon site is http://365thingsportland.com/

Almost all the major cities have one. I cruised around the Portland site and found so many fun cool things to do and try. I'm even excited to check out a Murder Mystery dinner theater. How fun!
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Ever been out at the bar when guys (or gals) are harassing you? Never getting the hint, but being persistent? Now we have the answer...
The Rejection Hotline
Funniest Website EVAHHH! Do it! Go there, find your state, dial the number.
You won't be disappointed. And be sure to memorize your local number!!


  1. PUGGLE!!!! They are the most adorable dogs ever. :)

    I thought I was the only person on the planet that hates Rachel Ray, so I'm happy to have found someone that can agree with me.

  2. that doggie is way too effin cute!

    and yes, rachel ray makes me want to stab myself in the eyeballs. every time she says "yummers" i die a little inside.

    i love the rejection hotline! but i'm always too chicken to actually give the number out :(

  3. I hate Rachel Ray. Her name is probably fake too.

  4. OMG, so many more Rachel Ray haters! I had no idea! Thought the husband and I were the only ones :) Awesome!!coryo

  5. That pic of Yosemite is gorgeous! I've never been but now I'm intrigued. And I love puggles! They are one of the cutest dogs ever! Also, I think Radom Shit Tuesdays is a brilliant idea. Love it!

  6. I think Rachel Ray is super annoying too. EVOO. Whatever.

    That dog is insanely cute.

    I need to check out the 365 site....I need to explore the Twin Cities more.

    I could have used the rejection hotline when I was out last Saturday. Do men not pay attention to wedding rings anymore? Specifically the one that's on my finger. Meaning in not available.


Sock it to me!