Wednesday, April 7

wordless wednesday


  1. LMAO! They gave the kid detention for that? LOL funny.
    And yeah the 3-D thing is way out of control!!!

  2. I would have to respond to the detention note with a note of my own.... "Can you provide proof that she did not say that? Until said proof is provided, Dylan will not be serving this detention." Asshats! Alice in Wonderland was pretty great in 3D, just sayin. LOL

  3. Thank you so much for making my morning. That detention slip just about made me spit out my coffee.

  4. This 3D trend is getting OUT. OF. CONTROL.

  5. My daughter's English teacher won't allow them to say that's what she said. They have to say that's what she pontificated, or some other word. He's big on vocab.


Sock it to me!