Friday, May 28

i love summer

Sneezing from the pollen,
The chain caught my shoestring,
Hit the center bar on my bicycle,
And almost lost my bearings.

I love Summer,
Good Old Summer time,
I've got sunburn on the soles of my feet,
Lotta sand where the sun don't shine.

Sunburned at the Beach,
In pain the whole darn night,
so much skin peeled of my back,
you could make set a Samsonite.

I love Summer,
Good Old Summer time,
I've got sunburn on the soles of my feet,
Lotta sand where the sun don't shine.

Puttin on a cold wet bathing suit,
Mosquitoes, Bees, and Tetanus shots in the derrière,
Something crawling in the foot of my sleeping bag,
Flaming marshmallows in my hair
Drop N' Roll.

Caught a baseball with my face,
Potato salad in the sun,
Salmonella steps up to the plate Listeria get the run.

I love Summer,
Good Old Summer time,
I've sun burn in the back of my throat,
And sand behind my eye.

lyrics of I Love Summer by Heywood Banks


  1. I think we each deserve major props for using the word "derriere" in both of our blog posts today.

    This might have to be my new favorite summer song.

    Is that beer for me? Oh thanks!


  2. Funny thing is, I really genuinely truthfully hate summer in Las Vegas. 120 degrees? No thanks. I'd rather have bamboo shoots wedged under my fingernails.

  3. Anonymous28 May, 2010

    I love summer...I love sunburn...I love sand everywhere...I love insect bites...I love the heat. Why you may ask??? The answer lies in the fact that I live in the upper midwest and we have snow on the ground from mid- Dec to mid- April.

  4. Summer is my favorite time of year, especially when I'm out climbing blue mountains.

  5. DO you have a black eye now?????

    HOly shit bitch! I loved that!

  6. Wow, what a song you have posted. This is really very nice. I do love to sing this song every summer. Thanks dude.


Sock it to me!