Monday, May 31

i was told there'd be cake

You have to do more -- go to college, pick a major, get a boyfriend, a job, an interesting scar, a dream house, an educated position on the death penalty. Suddenly you had more mail, more keys, more passwords, more toiletries. And all for less praise. People are less quick to applaud as you grow older. Life starts out with everyone clapping when you take a poo and goes downhill from there. If you stop and think about it, it's a miracle t hat we get out of bed every day and brush our teeth and remember to buy toothpaste. We all deserve to be congratulated but sadly that would mean there's no one left to do the congratulating.

Oh-- and Happy Memorial Day!



  2. Anonymous31 May, 2010

    Amen to that !!! and thank goodness I have the Awesome Note for my iphone that allows me to make that repeating note to don't forget the toothpaste when i go to the store :-)

  3. I couldn't agree more with your post.

  4. And this is exactly why I've been toying with the idea of hiring my own cheering entourage to follow me around from place to place. They will offer encouragement when I do the most mundane things like parallel park my car.

  5. Amen, sister. Also, that is the best book title EVER.

  6. I adore Sloane Crosley and that book. I think she has a new one coming out.

    And I like this post. I'm lucky to have a few souls left in my life to applaud me when I cook a chicken or pay a bill, but the number is dwindling as my peers run off to their weddings and corporate ladders.

    Maybe this is why I blog. Who knows.


Sock it to me!