Friday, June 11

houston... we have a problem...

Soooo... bad news bears here.

Rafting has been canceled due to kitty injury.

Mr. Man's kitty Jackie had a mishap the other day. We're not totally sure how it happened, but when he came home he found her hung up by her FOOT from the MINI BLINDS. And no... not the string... but actually IN THE BLINDS.

She must have been there for several hours because she had pulled out all of the claws in her front paw and there was bits of blood everywhere. Luckily she was trying to prop herself up on some boxes behind the couch, and the couch itself, so she wasn't hanging by ALL her weight.
So today we took her to the vet cause her foot/ankle/knee all swelled up pretty big. Diagnosis is okay... no broken bones or internal bleeding, but definite nerve damage and possible tendon and gland damage.
Shes doing better today, on pain meds & anti-inflammatories. She can't really use her leg, but she is putting a teeny bit of weight on it. Mostly she sleeps.

Pray for Jackies full recovery! Updates to come...


  1. Anonymous11 June, 2010

    Aww I hope she gets better...

  2. Awwwww...sending good vibes kitty's way as we speak.


    Did you damn near have a fucking heart attack? I would've had a fucking heart attack!!!

    On the up side, I am EXTREMELY and SELFISHLY thrilled you will not be going rafting. Now I do not have to worry about you getting swallowed by a fucking anaconda or capsizing and bashing your head on a rock and be rendered unconscious and therefore DROWNING!

    "deep breath*

  4. Oh, no! Your poor kitty!! I've had situations where something crazy scary has happened to a pet, and I *flipped out*. Here's hoping that she recovers fully and quickly!

    P.S. my verification word is "groin" I was amused, and thought you might be too.

  5. Anonymous12 June, 2010

    Here's hoping your kitty is feeling better. At least your vet gave you pain meds for it so kitty would sleep till it's injured joint was healed.

    PS: I would re-book the raft trip....there is nothing more addicting than adventures that produce a adrenalin rush

  6. aww poor baby!! fell better soon kitty!


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