Thursday, July 22

early weekend! and other benefits of being unemployed

I'm patiently waitinggggg...

My bags are packed...
To going camping!! With Mr. Man and his whole family. His dad has eleven (11!) siblings. Mr. Man has over 120 FIRST COUSINS! (that is not a typo) I have 9. Total. Aaagghhhhhh!

Wish me luck! I may need it.

Check out my awesome new necklace!
Its a butterfly baby! $8. Consignment shop. Mad bargain hunting skillz (yes, with a "z") I have!

Happy Weekend!


  1. Dude. WTF with a family that big. I have 1 cousin that we acknowledge and 1 that is a lovechild's son, so we don't talk about him. Good luck! What are they, taking over a campground somewhere?

  2. have a great time, love the necklace

  3. 120 first cousins? That is just wrong.

    Extremely jealous of that necklace. I did get a pedicure today, and now have butterflies on my big toes. aaaaahhhhh

  4. 120 cousins? I'm guessing from only one set of aunt & uncle. Who also happen to be brother and sister.

    Have fun.

  5. i have 1 cousin. one. and i haven't seen her since i was like 5. 120 is fuckin ridic. they could start a shit ton of baseball teams, i'll tell you that! have fun camping! that necklace rocks!

  6. Hope you have a great spider-free trip! company is hiring (or you can just have my job...) :)

  7. Wow, sounds like my boyfriend and his gigantic family. I'm always overwhelmed with them all. I have like 4 cousins - plus a few others I've never met in different states.

  8. Good luck and happy camping, camper! I love your necklace!

  9. Camping... blah.

    Love you whore!


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