Friday, July 16

Friday Funday F*ckedUp F*ckin' Follow Frivolous Fwords!!

Howdy Friday Funday Folks!

Again -- Its the return of Fucked Up Friday Follow!! Link up to this beast and find some new blogs to follow. And perhaps pick up a few of your own. You must be awesome, and a little crazy.

One Crazy Brunette Chick

"If you link up, they will come" (whispering in creepy Field of Dreams voice). Do it. Do it.

And for some Friday Funday stuff... here's a list of things I'm totally loving now. Cause they get me through the hard times...

Its a book, ya see... Gets my travel juices flowing...

Ahhh yes... Sta'bucks... Mucho Mucho!!

Just finished season 2. Fucking LOVE this show!
"David Duchovny I want you to love me, to kiss and to hug me
Debreif and debug me, David Duchovny I know you could love me
I'm sweet and I'm cuddly, I'm gonna kill SCULLY!"
No seriously, Its a real song. Google that shit.

I bought this beer for the name. HELLO!!
Amazingness. Those Widmer Brothers do it AGAIN!

I love watering the plants. Its like a weird Zen meditation for me.

I swear to God, this song NEVER gets old.
"I got my swim trunks! And my flippie floppies!
I'm flipping burgers, you at Kinko's straight flippin copies!"
P.S. If you haven't seen the video... 
Seriously.Where have you been?!

Remember him?
That's right. Mother Fuckin' Gallagher.
In all his watermelon smashing glory. I got some tixs for SUNDAY!!!
And no, I don't think it will be Black Gallagher. Dammit.

Happy Friday Y'all!

P.S. My birthday is Monday!! I'm going to be *cough* 29!!


  1. GASP!!!

    Happy Birthday ALMOST slut!!!!

    I have decided no birthday's for CB after last year. 26 sounds good. Forever!

  2. I turn 25 every year. 25 was a good year. Gallagher rules. I'm out.

  3. Anonymous17 July, 2010

    I hope I turn 29 pretty soon..I have been stuck on 21 for (cough cough) lots of friggin years and it is getting boring always having to show your ID to get into a bar.

    Happy 3 days early birthday wishes

  4. Is that an iced latte? My fave! Although, they make me gain weight like crazy, so I haven't had one in years.... and by years, I really mean two days.

  5. hey, we are the same age (wink, wink)

    Loved Gallegar. and starbucks. you crack me up.

  6. Can we discuss how much I love Californication? And that David Duchovny song is on my iPod. We are so friends.


Sock it to me!