Friday, July 30

my new lappy

Yard sale-ing with mom!

Found lots of goodies...

A copy of Swiss Family Robinson on DVD ($2)
Gift bags with tissue paper (25cents)
computer speakers ($2)
cigar box (25cents)
a 2 ton jack, since I don't have one in my car ($12)
wool blanket for my car ($1)

ANDDDDDD a LAPTOP FOR $160! And it works!! Yayy me!


  1. Considering that my lap top bit the dust this week...I'm totally envious of your yard sale find.

    Oh well finders keepers!

    Have a good weekend!

  2. Funny, I thought Mrs. Chaos was the only one who called her laptop "Lappy."

  3. SCORE! What an awesome purchase!

  4. I too love yard sales. Awesome finds, esp. the laptop!

  5. sweet, dude! nice work! and did i ever mention that "swiss family robinson" is one of my favorite movies? i swear to you. fritz is fuckin' hot!


Sock it to me!