Monday, August 30

raging river weekend

Great freaking weekend indeed! Holy crap! I can't even begin to say how much fun we had! Mostly I'll be relaying my adventure to you through  pictures, because honestly, they do speak 1,000 words.

Our adventure began in Maupin, OR, a huge mecca for rafting adventures. Its great to know river guides and people who own their own gear, so this weekend basically cost us about $40 each. Awesome I know!! We (after 2 hours) found a place to camp, and I was finally able to crack my first beer at 3pm on Friday. I was hoping for a noon-time starting, but it didn't happen, c'est la vie.

Saturday morning bright an early we got up and got geared up. We headed down to the launch site and then proceeded to wait and wait and wait, since there were a ton of other boats waiting to launch. But once we got going, it was amazing!! Mr. Man and I were in a boat with my friend's brother T*, joined by two other boats, 11 people in all.

A beautiful day on the Deschutes!
During a slow part of the river, T* let me steer our boat. I am an excellent guide! Forward Paddle Bitches!!!

Dominating this guide thing... a new calling?!

Box Car, Class III rapids

 Oak Springs, Class IV rapids
Of course of all the pics Oak Springs looks like no big deal, however here's a video (not mine) that shows you how bad ass it is! Oak Springs Video

  Wapinitia, Class III
Saturday night the boys decided last minute to head into Washington to raft the White Salmon River (on the way home, and only 40 minutes out of our way). Its a totally different river and more technically difficult. The best way to describe it is to say the Deschutes (in the high desert) has larger falls with more "downtime" and the White Salmon (in the woods) is consistantly rough, narrower and tougher to maneuver. Both were insanely awesome but in totally different ways. I didn't get any pics of us on the White Salmon... however there is a Class V rapid that was "voluntary" for us, and only a brave 4 volunteered, Mr. Man included. Heres some pics of the boys on the Husum Falls.



... GONE!!

And he's OKAY!!
Hahahaa, yeah, they didn't quite make it. There's video on facebook, which I of course can't download to show you kids here. But here's a video of some other crazies who actually made it!

Oh... and the best part?
My super awesome rafting booties!!


  1. Oh, I need to go rafting again! It's been too long...looks like it was an awesome weekend!

  2. That looks like so much freakin' fun, but I would probably wet my pants the entire time I was going over those rapids. Luckily, I'm sure I would have also fallen out of the raft multiple times also so you would never be able to tell.

    You are a brave lady!

  3. Awesome sauce! We went rafting earlier this summer. So. Much. Fun. We lost it once, just part of the experience. Such good times!


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