Thursday, August 5

thats funny thursday

ping pong balls... now sold next to the beer at Walgreen's... Hahhahahaaa! But where are the red Solo cups?!
That's funny!!
On a sadder note I just spent NINETY F*ING DOLLARS on medicine. (and that doesn't even count the office visit) Its expensive getting sick without insurance!! *sad panda*


  1. That totally would have been handy in college - just sayin:)

  2. I recently discovered ping pong balls AND red Solo cups being sold side-by-side in the aisle (but not next to the beer).

    And yes, no insurance = a hefty bill. That's why I believe in self-medication. Or denial. They both work. When I finally get insurance again I'm going to have a huge laundry list of ailments to take to the doctor's office.

  3. that is totally hilarious (the ping pongs, not the expensive meds)

  4. Okay, it must be a national phenomena because I saw ping pong balls in the beer section at a grocery store near me. WTF?

  5. No health insurance sucks major balls, yo! When I get sick, I just curl up in a ball and hope it goes away!

  6. Ah the no insurance game.....I was there for many years....that's why I have credit.


Sock it to me!