Sunday, September 19

i'm a mazama mama!

Man just wants to be happy.
But society wants him to be good.
When he's good, he's rarely happy.
But when he's happy, he's always good.

Hey all! Hope everyone had a great weekend!
I just got back from central Oregon, where Mr. Man and I helped celebrate the Bend Distillery's grand opening. You know what that means? FREE BOOZE! We sort of have the "hook-up" too, cause his friend's mom's boyfriend owns the place. So we had quite a few samples after hours, and it was so much fun!! Basically if you love vodka, or gin, you should really try their stuff. Its so smooth and unbelievably delish!

And if you love spice, you gotta try the Mazama pepper infused vodka.
 OH. MY. GOD. Amazing. Great in Bloody Mary's or their specialty drink the Pina Mazama. Pineapple juice and Mazama pepper vodka. (Cathy, you should totally give this a try for a booze day!!)

I highly recommend you pick some up!

Mr. Man also participated in the single speed 5K bike race. He's such a cutie. Even covered in mud.
he finished in the top 5
king of the mountain!
oops! i crapped my pants

1 comment:

Sock it to me!