Thursday, October 14

come on fall, hit me with your best shot

I went on a spree at Old Navy... Check it!
Cord Shirt Dress
Basic Leggings
Double Buckle Boots -- Soooooooo Cute!

Boot Socks
Buckled Tote -- 40% off Clearance price... $5!!!
Cable Knit Tunic -- In Store Clearance Price $15!!
All this stuff was on SUPER SALE in the store, because its their 16th Anniversary. I highly recommend you hit Old Navy sometime this week!!

I'm soooooooooooo ready for fall!


  1. I LOVE me some fall clothes-thanks for the tip about the sale! Maybe I'll go this weekend before work... :)

  2. I love the chord dress.

  3. ah, you are going to look better than me in our pictures next week.

    Great finds. Great prices.

  4. Those boots are from Old Navy?? I LOVE THEM!! I have to stop by my local this morning and see if they have them!

  5. Love the stripey socks! I would wear them with Sanford, but that's just me. You probably wouldn't want wardrobe advice from me.

  6. Sorry, that should read with SANDALS. Damn auto-fill!

  7. LOVE ME some old navy. Have you tried their jeggings? Pretty good, if you like those. I'm trying them out. SO HARD TO SWITCH FROM FLARED JEANS.

  8. Umm, I am DYING over those boots!


Sock it to me!