Friday, December 24

i believe.

Dear Santa,

I've been very good this year. I picked up my clothes almost every day. I tried really, really hard to be nice to my brother. I shared my blanket when cuddling with Mr. Man. I ate my vegetables. And I washed behind my ears.

All I want for Christmas is a new job. Something with good benefits. A regular work schedule. Preferably using my degree, but I won't hold you to that.

Thanks Santa!


  1. Santa left you a little something in my pocket. Come to TN, dig it out, and you can keep it. ;o)

  2. I hope you get your Christmas wish McGrid!

  3. I hope you had a marvelous holiday!

  4. Did you notice the resemblance between your cousin and Andy Sandberg in this photo? I'm just sayin...

  5. I'll be a good girl next year! I SWEAR it!!!!

  6. Stopping by to wish you a happy new year! Hope you get that job with benefits!

  7. I'm really going to try to pick up my clothes everyday this year..


Sock it to me!