Sunday, December 19

its too late to be "nice"

I'm finally DONE shopping! Thanks goodness for internet shopping and expedited shipping!! My Holiday giving was nearly thwarted by my lack of unemployment fundage. Long story short, I've borrowed money from my mom to get everyone gifts, until I get paid next week. Yayyyyyy for debt! At least my mom doesn't charge me interest. But I do feel a tremendous amount of guilt for being a non-self sufficient adult. But that's neither here nor there.

My post today is about STOCKING STUFFERS! I came up with some pretty kick-ass relatively cheap ones, and wanted to share. I'm such a giver!! They're also great for last minute gift ideas for anyone you may have forgotten!

Walmart $2.40
I laughed OUT LOUD when I saw this.  

Sears $6.50
 Baggie holder. Great for freezing left overs, soups & sauces.

Target $4.50
 Cups and balls, its the gift that keeps on giving!

Walgreens $6
Even Santa knows that hangovers are no joke.

Walmart - Pack of 4 for $9 (easy to split into FOUR gifts!)
Almost everyman appreciates BBQ sauce, and beer.

Target $6
Silicone brush works great for marinating, basting, brushing butter on corn or bread. Its AWESOME!

Target $2.50
Slinky's are awesome for any age! 
I just gave one for a gift exchange and everyone was fighting over it!

Walmart $1 each!
Who doesn't love cuttie little rubber duckies! Great for holiday bathroom decor!

Ho! Ho! Ho!


  1. I have one of those brushes. They freakin' rule.

  2. I'm going to have to pick up the eye patch for my alter ego Captain Jack Sparrow. Wait he doesn't wear an eye patch. Fuck. Whose going to wear the eye patch?!!!


Sock it to me!