Friday, December 3

Ooooooo Sssssss Uuuuuu! OREGON STATE! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!

New gameday hat... House decked out in Orange lights... ESPN College Gameday is already in town and set up... Begin the countdown to the biggest football game OF THE YEAR!!

My Oregon State Beavers take on No. 1 ranked Oregon (UofO) in Corvallis, ABC @12:30 PST

Watch my Giant Killers take down the D(S)ucks!! I'll be there having the time of my life!! Oooor crying my eyes out getting into drunken fights... Either, or... its bound to be a good one!!!


1 comment:

  1. I'll definitely be cheering y'all on-help a blogger out and cheer for Auburn in return ;)


Sock it to me!