Tuesday, July 27

random shizz tuesday

Serenity Now!! Insanity Later...

I don't have anything really random to tell you today...

other than I totally got VIP passes to SUPER DIAMOND! Yeah! That's right! No getting to the show 2 hours early! Reserved seats bitches!! Booze! Free wine and cheese and all that crap! Yipeeee! Mr. Man has to  go out of town right after work, so Mom and I are gonna go. Honestly I think she'd enjoy the show more than Mr. would! 
 This is gonna be LEGEN... wait for it... DARY!

Now I gotta go be productive and take a shower. Uggghhhh.


  1. Anonymous27 July, 2010

    Booze gets me worked up enough to require a shower as well. Mmmmmmmm.... booooooze

  2. Whoa! VIP!

    Maybe you'll get to go backstage and make out with "Neil!"

  3. what? WHAT?? super diamond? a neil diamond cover group? i'm speechless.


Sock it to me!