Wednesday, July 28

wonderful wednesday

I'm sitting at the gas pump, and I ask for $20 worth.

My card is declined (since the unemployment checks come Wednesday, Ding!Ding!). I *embarassingly* told the attendant to give me a few minutes and I'd use my phone to transfer money from my savings to my checking.

Before I even had a chance to get my phone out, the woman at the next pump offered to pay for my gas!!


Yup, She paid for my gas! She said that someone had done the same for her a few years back, and that it was her turn to return the favor! I'm soooo going to be paying this one forward!

What an amazing, wonderful and unbelievable event in my life.

There's hope for us yet!

Karma totally exists.

Happy Humpday!


  1. Anonymous28 July, 2010

    A good deed is paid in full many times over. Just think if everyone did 1 good deed a week?!?!?

  2. How nice was that!!! Paying it forward is an awesome thing. And it gives me faith that there are still good people out there.

  3. Anonymous28 July, 2010

    How wonderful! I used to feel so good about myself when I would offer my Price Chopper card to the person in front of or behind me who didn't have one, because it could save them a good amount of money. Then the institued the discounted gas program, so that for every $50 or something you spend you get another 10 cents off a gallon. So now when I offer it up the cashier's always like, "Well it works out for you because you get the gas discount," and it makes me angry because I really was just trying to be nice but it makes me look like an opportunist. Oh well, I still do it. It still saves people money.

  4. Stories like this restore my faith in humanity and make me forget the nasty old man that yelled at me about my dog stepping on a rock at the very edge of his property and then watching me with a phone in his hand with BINOCULARS (that's how far away his yard/house actually was) threatening to call the cops. Fun times!

  5. That's awsome you got some free gas, and even more so that someone was kind enough to pay for it. It's always good to read that there are still decent people out there who are willing to look beyond themselves and help others.

  6. that really is awesome.
    now. what gas station do you frequent...cause I'd like you to pay up on that karma. ;)

  7. Wow that is really awesome!
    It warms my heart to know that there are still some really decent people out there that would be willing to help someone out that way. :)

  8. Holy cow! My faith in humanity has been restored!

  9. I actually just got emotional reading this post. That's freaking awesome.

  10. That's awesome.

    Wish that would happen to me when I'm out picking up hookers.

  11. McGrid that is awesome! And that is good karma coming back your way...apparently you've been forgiven for running over hippies. I'm so proud. :) Melt's my cold heart!

  12. Fan-freakin'-tastic. That's so awesome. (and furthermore... unemployment checks? Sign me up!)

  13. wow. i had no idea that people like that still existed in the world. i probably would have proposed to that woman right then and there...

    wait, i'm not gay. shit.

  14. Anonymous29 July, 2010

    Ive always believed in paying it forward... its good to see others do to!

  15. That was wonderfully sweet of her!


Sock it to me!