Saturday, August 14

i'll run away with you

Today I was angry with my life,

and angry with my boyfriend.

So I ran away to the beach with my book for the day.

Although, its hard to not think about your boyfriend when the protagonist's boyfriend in your book has the same name as your fella. (Damn you Jen Lancaster!)

Here some of the pictures of my adventure.


  1. i love going to the beach when i'm in a funk!

  2. Hope it cheered you up

  3. You're so lucky to have such a gorgeous place to run away to! Beach + novel + no one to bother you = PERFECTION!

  4. Pretty! I love the beach. I'm sad I don't make it there more.

  5. I have to say I am *sooo* jealous that you are close enough to the beach to escape like that! Beautiful pictures!

  6. It looks like a perfect little happy place! Hope it worked out!

  7. Looks a little foggy.

    Hope that didn't further cloud your mood.

  8. The beach is my getaway place too. That is a pretty place you were at. Love that house. Hope things are better now.


Sock it to me!