Thursday, August 12

"my big dick" and other analytical questions

"miss your Big Dick!"
was literally just yelled into the street by my neighbors, as I was typing this...

yeah, my "big dick" is not in question...

Reasons Google has sent people to my website;

The joy of Google Analytics:
  • dear liver (well, obviously!!)
  • serenity now insanity later  (duhhhhhhh!)
  • will serenity kill you (good question!)
  • mcgriddle pants blog  (I feel honored!!)
  • serenity fucking (is this a "thing?!")
  • serenity now hangover (someone after my own heart)
and of course...
  • moms that fuck in a camper (Ughhhh... whaaaaa?!)
Thanks google!
And thanks to my dear readers!
I love you all!
Honestly :)


  1. People used interesting word combinations in google. But awesome that they found you out of it!!

  2. egads...I am giving up spell checking my blog posts and now going to proof read phrases that people can turn into google searches.

  3. Mom's that fuck in a camper? What is wrong with people? The worst thing is, my bf is a probation officer who searches sex offenders computers for porn. I ask him not to tell me what he finds but sometimes he shares the genre for which they search. Let me just tell you, Mom's who fuck in a camper is like G-rated compared to some of the stuff he finds. Shudder.

  4. Glad to know we have the dick thing in common.

  5. I'd love to know why someone was looking up 'moms that fuck in a camper'. I promise you that it wasn't me.

  6. Damnit...this was like my blog for tomorrow. Oh well, I am still doing it. Giggity.

  7. moms that fuck in a camper was me. glad i found you.

  8. I have to do you find this stuff out?I mean how people find you, search analytics etc.

  9. If you have a google account its really easy. Just go to Google Analytics and sign up. You put in your blog domain info and it basically does the rest itself! Kinda cool :)


Sock it to me!