Wednesday, August 11

kinda weird wordless wednesday


  1. I love the first pic. Couldn't tell you why though.

  2. That chair is scaring the crap out of me.
    Oh who am I kidding...all of this is. Except for the typewriter picture. I love that one very much.

  3. I want those fingernails!!! Cept on my toes.

  4. I like the mask in the first picture.

  5. Love the toy story nails and monster face bikini.

  6. #1 - me on Halloween
    #2 - creepy. no other comment. actually one, maybe it's a comment on anorexia?
    #3 - me when I'm desperately trying to finish a section of my book and I can't think of how to move it along. I may ask to borrow this image for a future post actually, hahaha.
    #4 - Cool, but I didn't know anyone loved Toy Story that much. I myself fell asleep during it as it was the second show at the Drive In and I had 2 g&t's.
    #5 - Um.

  7. i have that suit...
    ok, no i don't.

  8. my birthday is less than a month away. i'd like a print of #1 and the actual chair pictured in #2. thanks in advance.


Sock it to me!