Tuesday, August 10

interview intention

I am officially the laziest unemployed person ever.

I had a job interview today.

It was a good job.

It was at a hippie market, opening in town in October.

I didn't go.

My first interview since being unemployed. (since last October!!!)

And I didn't go.

No, honestly this wasn't about laziness. I feel so irresponsible. But, when I was really honest with myself, I really didn't want this job. Irresponsible of me? Probably. I just really don't want another job in retail. Especially not customer service retail. Starting at the bottom of the totem pole.

"Do you have grocery experience?"

No, I don't.

"Would you be willing to start as a courtesy clerk? And work your way up?"

Uhhh... I guess so.

Well that was my original response. Is it too much to ask to not start at the beginning again? Yeah, I haven't worked in grocery, but I have worked as a retail MANGER for over 6 years. I can schmooze customers with the best of them. I have a college degree in BUSINESS MANAGEMENT for Christs sakes! But I have not worked in grocery. Is it too much to ask to not make minimum wage?

In this economy, maybe it is too much for me to ask. But I think I deserve something better. Don't I? I'm too talented to stand in one spot for 8 hours scanning groceries (if any of you do this for a living, please don't take it as an insult, its an admirable job, just really not for me). And maybe I'm just being selfish and lazy. Am I?

This whole job hunting sucks. But I know I just need to make some more money, or else I'll never be getting out of debt. I'll never be able to travel. I'll never be able to live without a roommate. And I also know that I will be running out of unemployment (even though I'm sure another extension is going to be approved). But I need to be part of the working class.

Maybe I'm just really lazy. Or picky. I don't know.

I guess it just didn't feel right. I feel okay about not getting this job. But I am disappointed in myself. Must be that type-A personality in me. Hmmmmm...


  1. I did the retail thing for 4 yrs during college. It blows. And I was management for awhile.

    Good luck with the hunt, you leech on society. :)

  2. Ha. I'm right there with you. I self-sabotage my job hunt as well. I can't even begin to tell you how many waitressing interviews/job offers I've bailed on.

    Kind of funny, but I'll be posting about something along the same line tomorrow (and yes, it involves waiting tables).

  3. Retail does suck. Making money is important, but finding something that makes you happy is more important. When you think about it, by the time you retire you'll look back on this time and it will barely be a blip on your career path.

  4. Retail does suck. Making money is important, but finding something that makes you happy is more important. When you think about it, by the time you retire you'll look back on this time and it will barely be a blip on your career path.

  5. That does suck McGrid; do they have any job search companies in your area?


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