I personally consider the week of Thanksgiving the "beginning of the Christmas season".
And no, I'm not going to admit that I already bought a 3,483 square foot roll of double sided wrapping paper at Costco...

I figure a personalized note is much more genuine than the "What I'm Thankful For This Year" round table, listening to your family, while salivating over a pile of mashed potatoes and turkey.
I'm currently compiling a list of friends and family to whom I wish to write. I'm normally not very good at expressing emotions verbally, so I'm hoping I can get all kinds of heartfelt and sappy (see? sarcasm comes out YET AGAIN, dammit) in a note.
I thought this was a very cute idea, and am excited to get down writing a few.
Feel free to steal this idea! I love it. Kinda reminds me of the Golden Girls "Thank You For Being A Friend...."