Hey yo!
Yet another post about my awesome craftiness!!
I needed something super cute and fun for my employees and couldn't think of anything cheap!
I finally found a great idea for some bottle cap magnets.
And since we work at a coffee shop, I put little coffee type pictures in them!
This was so easy and fun, you should totally try it!
I basically had to wing it, with a few hundred calls to my friend Jess to get me through.
Here's a step by step for you!
The best tip for this project is to get the right magnets. RARE EARTH magnets are amazing.
SUPER STRONG and small.
I found some at a local hardware store and they rock!
You can also find them online too :)
Rare earth magnets... SUPER MAGNETS! |
Screw top caps work best (they aren't bent from opening) |
I got this Resin at Michael's with a 50% off coupon! |
There's a ton of kinds of resin you can get.
I went to a few craft stores who had no idea what I was looking for.
One lady even suggested Mod Podge. I laughed and said, uhhhhh no.
Michael's was finally the winner. Again, anything is available online.
1" hole punch is a miracle! |
I used scrap book paper and a few photos I had developed of coffee beans.
Set the magnets in the bottle caps. Be sure to give them some room cause those magnets are STRONG. They will find each other! Be careful!
From here I put resin in the caps up to the top of the magnets.
Then I put the pictures in over the magnets and finished filling the caps with resin.
Be sure to get them full, but not TOO full. Just up to the top.
Full but not TOO full. Helpful, and incredibly specific, I know. |
Bubbles will appear, and you can either blow on them, or if they're big, you can stick a tooth pick in them to pop them. Most of the small bubbles will rise to the top and then pop on their own.
Then you just follow the directions on the resin box! The kind I got said to set up in a dust/hair free area for 24 hours. Then leave to completely harden for another 72 hours.
Super cute!
Plus I love this idea for vacation souveniers.
I'm going to do some with the intention of showing the top of the cap as the front of the magnet.
I have twenty or so from when we went to Florida from Florida Brewing Company. How fun!
Don't you just love them!?? I know I do.
It can be a little messy, put it was fun and loved how they turned out! :)