Monday, February 28

ups and downs, highs and lows

Man am I ever tired of feeling like shit. Not physically, emotionally.

This weekend was fantastic. Just what the doctor ordered. Sunshine and snow and lots of good company. (See yesterday's post)

However today, I feel like crappola again. I received a call from my old job, the one I reapplied for, is passing on me. They didn't even tell me what their reasons are... just that they won't be taking back.  yay.

So I've had a bowl of ice cream and I'm sitting here wrapped in my blanket on the couch. I'm going to have a few beers later on with my friend.

I really had a good feeling about this one. I've had several people tell me that it wasn't meant to be, and that something else is coming up. Though its still hard to not feel like a loser. I just wish I knew why?

The good news is that I don't have to move. Although I was kind of looking forward to that. But I don't have to relocate, make new friends, go through that whole rigga-ma-role. And I don't have to deal with anything crazy with Mr. Man just yet (moving in together or moving across the country together or breaking up). Also I have several people interested in buying my car, so I'm hoping that will be taken care of soon. Who knows, maybe I'll have to live on that money while I continue to look for work.

Until then, I'm trying to be optimistic about the interview I had last Thursday...

Happy thoughts!


Dr. Monkey said...

Hang in there. We're all rooting for you.

Anonymous said...

Jobs suck, but I say if you have to have one, get one that you love! Hang on tight. It will come.

A Beer for the Shower said...

It sucks now, but after you get that job, this little lull won't even be a passing thought. Better things await!

Baby Sister said...

I'm sorry you didn't get your old job back...that sucks. But things will turn out I'm sure!!

Ed said...

Well, that sucks.

badheadday said...

...blanket? Or something much more sinister?