Well I was totally going to write a blog today about stuff that I
hate. You know... going on and on about Jay Leno, Nirvana, socks with sandals, people who say "you're welcome" before you get a chance to say "thank you"... But then I thought, no. McGriddle Pants, you need to be more positive! So as I started working on it, I took a break and read a couple of other bolgs. Low and behold...
Miss Salt did a blog today about her favorite stuff now too! Its like we're connected on some psychic level. It was a sign from heaven! The clouds departed and a ray of light shown down with the chorus of angels signing "Aaaaaahhhhhh!" Meant to be.
Just be warned, when the mood strikes me again, I'll more than likely be finishing up the blog of hatred too. Cause I hate a
lot of stuff.
1. Jasmine Tea
I'm so into loose leaf teas right now too. I have a cute little tea diffuser that sits in my tea cup and just LOVE it. And its driving me
nuts that I'm having such a hard time finding the stuff! I don't want loose leaf in a bag, just LOOSE! ANywhoodle, I found some at
Whole Foods the hippie store. Surprise surprise, found some! In bulk even! Now, don't get me wrong, I
absolute love Whole Foods! But come on... its totally a hippie store. Wow, I've gotten really of track. Where was I? Oh yes! Jasmine tea. I first had this jasmine tea when Mr. Man and I went to this cute little Japanese restaurant for VDay. Its so sweet and floral and so yum yum yummy!Give it a try! And if you love tea, I guarantee you won't be disappointed!
2. Designing Women
For serious. I've always loved these sassy gals. I love Julia's rants and pseudo-freak outs about worthy causes and just the over all happy feeling of the show. Cheesey yes, hokey plot lines directed at raising awareness of the occasional social commentary of the day (domestic abuse, homelessness, homosexuality). Honestly they're the reason that I've always wanted to visit Hot-tlanta
. (Then of course I met
Mr. Peacock, and have someone to visit when I go there! Shout out buddy!) I was so excited to see that NetFlix had the first 4 seasons available, and of course added the other 3 seasons, that aren't even on DVD yet, to my queue. And why they hell is it pronounced "que"? there's two more letters in the word! shouldn't it be Que-ey? Que-ew? Good gravy, I've derailed that train of thought too!
3. Zombies
Again inspired by
Salt I'm prompted to tell of my love of zombies. Of all the horror movies in circulation, zombie movies are my be-all end-all favorite. Brains, staggering walks, crazy flesh ripping... you name it! To create a list within a list here's my top fav's
- 28 days later (Great, great movie)
- Night of the Living Dead (the 1990 version with Candyman) "They're coming to get you Barbara!"
- Dawn of the Dead (the new one with the crazy Kenyan-like sprinting zombies)
- Zombieland (LOVE the funny zombie movie! Don't forget the Double Tap!)
- Shaun of the Dead (Probably the most realistic way the zombie attack will happen)
- Dead Snow (come on...how can Nazi Zombies not be the best movie ever?!)
- Resident Evil (As kicking Mila Jovovich, yeahhh! The sequels however were lackluster)
I guess we can say I love the zombs. So much in fact that my friend made me this lovely card...
How awesome is this?
4. Burt's Bees Coconut Foot Creme
Product Placement! Hahahaa, no I'm not getting paid for this... I wish! I love this stuff! Not only does it smell yummy and remind me of summer (Coconut always does that to me. That and Hawaiian Tropic sunscreens. Can you say
Piña Colada?)
but this stuff works great too! Smooths and gets rid of any yucky signs of "winter feet". Just rub it on and put on some socks before bed. Or like me... put it on with socks while watching day-time tv and blogging. Ahhhh unemployment. I will also occasionally put some on my elbows to fight "old lady elbows".
5. Cute Springtime Nail colors!
Sally Hansen's VIP PINK!
What I don't love?
VIP Pink, spilled on the carpet... Booooooo!
(Please don't judge my dirty carpet, I'm currently moving!)
What are you loving right now?